some suggestions & problems with refresh, background notification and new tweet marker
I'm using an O2 Pre with 1.4.5 and Carbon 1.1.1
I hope manual refresh could refresh all my timeline, mentions and messages. Not just the page that I'm in.
As instructed in another discussion, I turn off auto-refresh, turn on notification and background only for timeline at 5min interval, and close the app then open it then close it again (options with * require reopen the app to function).
Still, I receive no background notifications. Did I do anything wrong? -
I've read through some discussions about how the new tweet marker behave, and I totally understand the intention to help people start from where they left off. But hey, the left off position also need update. Otherwise, as there are more and more refreshes, people will have to browse through more and more already-read tweets and get to the very latest new tweets.
I've asked too many questions, and am not sure if I have made myself clear since not a native speaker. Thanks!
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Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 02 Mar, 2011 02:12 PM
We refresh every Timeline individually for three reasons, A: to keep the context for refresh so that you know which Timeline you refresh as we have panels and refreshing Timelines that you're not seeing is agains the natural experience that we've designed, B: to save on bandwidth as refreshing all the timelines at once means sending many requests to Twitter which would be expensive on Data usage, C: We already have auto-refresh that refreshed all the timelines sequentially and based on the frequency set in the preferences.
If you turn of auto-refresh then you will not get notifications when the App is open even if Notifications are on. Background Updates works only when the App is closed.
Do you mean missing on many tweets between distant refreshes and different sessions? No worries, we're implementing a mechanism that we call "Gap Detection" which will load tweets between sessions so that you don't miss any tweet between sessions or distant refreshes.
Hope that clears it out for you. Keep your feedback coming :)
3 Posted by cbx8325 on 04 Mar, 2011 12:10 PM
Thanks for the reply!
For 2, I turn on "run in background" and "notification", close the App and I get no notifications for my timeline. There are also other discussions on the this problem on the website.
For3, I choose "Go to Last New" after auto refresh, and I read new tweets after every auto refresh, so the intended left-off position(the marker) should also change every time after I read them. But no, the marker doesn't move, which means I'll have to go through more and more already-read tweets to find the very last update.
Support Staff 4 Posted by Moe on 11 Mar, 2011 06:57 PM
Got good News, we got it right this time. Now on every auto-refresh if you view or go through the tweets the next auto-refresh would take you to the new tweets and the marker will be where it's supposed to be at; next to Last New Tweet.
Moe closed this discussion on 11 Mar, 2011 06:57 PM.