Extra long statuses using Twitlonger fail to post

Panagiotis's Avatar


05 Jul, 2011 11:49 AM via web

When I send unusually long statuses (350+ characters), Carbon asks if I want to use Twitlonger. I say yes & then the spinner appears & spins forever without sending the status. Happens on WiFi & 3G. On 3G, the 3G lights up for network activity for a few seconds then goes out. This doesn't happen 100% of the time I post long statuses, but at least 75%.

I am running Carbon 1.2.1 on a US Verizon Wireless Pre 2. The phone is completely stock - webOS 2.0.1, no replacement kernel or patches.

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 19 Jul, 2011 04:54 AM

    Moe's Avatar

    Haven't received another report for the same so far, I'll try to reproduce the above issue and update you on the issue. Thanks for the report :)

  2. 3 Posted by Panagiotis on 19 Jul, 2011 08:07 AM

    Panagiotis's Avatar

    Thanks for looking at it. Repeatability will probably be difficult - I haven't found any real pattern. Would it help if I posted a Lumberjack log that captures it?

  3. Support Staff 4 Posted by Moe on 19 Jul, 2011 05:35 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    It'd be very helpful if you could do that, thanks in advance :)

  4. 5 Posted by Panagiotis on 05 Aug, 2011 02:30 PM

    Panagiotis's Avatar

    OK, I've found a way to reproduce this but it is difficult to consistently do. This effects both statuses longer AND shorter than 140 characters as well as retweets.

    Some necessary background. I normally browse the Timeline with the keyboard closed. When I see a status that I want to retweet / reply, I tap on the status, tap the reply / re-tweet button, open my keyboard, type what I need, tap the send button, close keyboard immediately. The last step seems to be the issue. If I close the keyboard VERY immediately after send, the screen ghosts & the spinner comes up as it normally would when sending but it never comes back to normal (screen return to status I replied to). The timeout never kicks in (have left it for 5 minutes). The program doesn't completely lock up, just stays on this on this screen. I can back-swipe & it'll go back to the status I was replying to losing what I typed & not posting what I typed.

    I'm sorry, I have captured any log when this happened, but I wanted to let you know when I found a pattern. Replicating the pattern is another thing - getting the timing right on closing keyboard after send is almost a matter chance. I'll continue trying to gather logs.

  5. Support Staff 6 Posted by Moe on 09 Aug, 2011 05:30 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    This is very tricky, I tried this all day long trying to replicate it, to no avail. I'll keep an eye on that and try to get to the bottom of it if I could replicate this. Thanks for the detailed report, it's highly appreciated :)