Memory Leak?

@munson_org's Avatar


22 Jul, 2011 09:32 PM via web

Anyone else having memory problems with Carbon? I had it open and sitting on the TS all day and started getting TMC errors. Only one other card was open at the time. I checked JsTop and it said Carbon had 7900 nodes. When I closed Carbon, overall memory usage went down from 52MB to 38MB and the TMC errors went away.

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 23 Jul, 2011 01:23 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    Hi, that's not Memory leak of any sort. The problem is that when you keep Carbon open and let it auto-refresh for a long time, your timeline will be holding way too many tweets that is beyond the system capability. We've been looking for ways to prevent that. For now you can either re-launch the app after long hour or disable auto-refresh so that you load the tweets that you read when you're on the app. We'll get this handled soon :)

  2. Moe closed this discussion on 23 Jul, 2011 01:23 PM.

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