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Replies to a tweet not showing in Carbon

loocas p.'s Avatar

loocas p.

25 Feb, 2011 12:08 AM via web

Summary: Clicking on a tweet belonging to a person I follow, using Carbon, I am unable to see all the replies to that tweet.
Expected behavior: To see the replies to that tweet

Steps to reproduce:
1) Follow @webosinternals
2) Click on a tweet by @webosinternals. the one i'm testing right now is
3) When I view that tweet from my twitter timeline (not the tweet's own URL) in a browser, I can see that there are replies to it
4) When I view that same tweet from my twitter timeline in Carbon, I don't see any of the replies to it

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 25 Feb, 2011 12:19 AM

    Moe's Avatar

    Hey Lucas,

    I just checked what you're referring to, that's not a bug. We show convos for the tweets that are part of a conversation. We yet don't show replies to a tweet that is not a reply itself. That's the standard in all the Mobile clients so far, we'll see if it's feasible to implement what works on Twitter's website though.

    I'll move this Suggestions section.

  2. Moe closed this discussion on 25 Feb, 2011 12:19 AM.

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