Neato Integration

John Greenaway's Avatar

John Greenaway

18 Apr, 2011 05:25 PM via web

Hey Dots and Lines. I absolutely just love, love, love Carbon for WebOS. I've been using the Beta since it became public and bought the paid app within a day of your release this weekend.

I'm not a prolific tweeter (twitterer) -- I have only sent 10 tweets in my life. So I mostly use Carbon as a reader and to follow people in the WebOS community and some sports teams and journalists.

One suggestion I have is Neato! integration. While I enjoy using the Read It Later integration to save things for later, for thing I'd like to read now (but not on my Pre+), I'd really like to be able to Neato! something from Carbon and have it open up in my Chrome browser in real time.

I hope you consider this suggestion.


  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 18 Apr, 2011 05:42 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    Hey John, it's a go, we'll definitely go for this.

  2. 3 Posted by John Greenaway on 18 Apr, 2011 05:45 PM

    John Greenaway's Avatar

    Wow. All the great design and features in your app and you are super-responsive on the forum as well. Kudos.

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