Silence users?

unrly's Avatar


12 May, 2011 04:09 PM via web

Been trying to find a service that will do this, but I'm not having any luck.

All I want to do is to 'silence' some users, but not unfollow them. I realize I can add them the ones I want to a list, which I have done, but the list doesn't contain the autoupdate feature and I'd rather have it in my main timeline so I can see TT instead of my lists. I have a few people that I like, but they spam retweets all day and it gets really annoying but I don't want to unfollow them.

If Carbon had this, it would be sweet. If not, does anyone know of a service that will do this and be compatible with Carbon?

Thanks for the best Twitter client for webOS!

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 12 May, 2011 04:14 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    We've a feature coming up just for that, it's called "Mute" where you mute certain users or hash tags and those won't popup in your timeline. But if your problem is with users' retweets you can go to your Twitter profile on their and disable retweets from selected users. Hope that helps.

  2. 3 Posted by unrly on 12 May, 2011 04:18 PM

    unrly's Avatar

    Thanks for the quick response!

    I never knew about the retweets thing, just did it... This will be a freaking lifesaver, thank you!! And the new feature sounds excellent. I do have some people who are spammy in general, retweets or not, and the Mute feature sounds awesome.

    Thanks again Moe!

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