New tweet then immediate timeline refresh causes luna restart

web05hitz's Avatar


25 May, 2011 11:59 AM via web

I've had this happen a number of times, but not every time. Based on my shoddy memory, this is the sequence of events:

  • I start to write a tweet in a compose card
  • I do some other stuff before completing the tweet
  • I return to the compose card, finish writing, hit 'Tweet' to send
  • I get some error (sorry, didn't catch what it was but will next time). I ok out of error and am still in compose card
  • I hit 'Tweet' again, tweet gets posted and I am returned to timeline
  • I hit refresh button

This causes a restart. It seems like its just a luna restart since it doesn't take too long, but I'm not certain.

  1. 2 Posted by web05hitz on 25 May, 2011 12:01 PM

    web05hitz's Avatar

    Oh, more info:

    Verizon Pre2 with Sprint comm board, running Verizon 2.0.1 doctor.

  2. 3 Posted by web05hitz on 25 May, 2011 06:03 PM

    web05hitz's Avatar

    The error I sometimes get when hitting "Tweet" is:

    401:{"error":"Incorrect signature","request":"\/1\/statuses\/up date.json"}

    This last time I got that, I didn't couldn't reproduce the luna restart as I was on a profile page and couldn't immediately refresh timeline

  3. Support Staff 4 Posted by Moe on 16 Aug, 2011 09:11 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    This is now fixed. Update has been submitted.

  4. Moe closed this discussion on 16 Aug, 2011 09:11 PM.

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