"Last tweet" and "first tweet" terminology are confusing

Simon's Avatar


20 Feb, 2011 10:51 AM via web

In Carbon, "Last tweet" means the one furthest down the timeline... which is the first tweet, chronologically. I find this confusing.

If it isn't just me that is confused (which could well be the case), could I suggest using "oldest" and "newest" terminology, or similar, instead?

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 20 Feb, 2011 11:19 AM

    Moe's Avatar

    It's "First New" and "Last New"...It's not that straight forward, true...

    Oldest won't work...as it might refer to the bottom of the timeline. And Newest would refer to the top of the timeline which might make sense here but given the context it'd even confuse the users more.

    We're thinking in the lines of changing this to reading direction, Top to Bottom, or Bottom to Top. As that's why we basically implemented these features to address reading habits as some read from Top to Bottom and others from Bottom to Top.

    We gotta' improve that, we'll check it out and come up with something that works out of the box with no thinking...

    Thanks for the feedback Simon, keep'em coming :)