Change Log: v.1.1.0 Beta


Pixi More button visibility and position.
My credentials now appear as expected after closing preferences, it wasn't showing up after closing preferences and coming bagk to it.
Fixed draft resaving bug that reset the type of Reply Draft to a regular Tweet Draft
Fixed the nasty bug on user profiles that showed wrong Follow/Unfollow status & button


Added "Show Tweet I'm Replying to" option on Compose screen in order to show tweets users reply to below the Compose body.
Added Delete option to Tweet View(shows only if the viewing user is the owner of the tweet)
Added "2 hours" & "3 hours" intervals for Background intervals as requested by users.
Added option to disable Timeline auto-refresh
Changed's "Get Your API Key" to a straight API Key Page in Preferences.
Changed button label from "Tweet" to "Message" in direct message composition.
Added images discovery and preview
Added Twitgoo images discover and preview
Changed "RT @tweep" to "RT @tweep:" in quote function, added a colon.

Removed Message-User option when viewing own-tweet, ye know, you don't wanna' message yourself.
Disabled Reply command on own-tweet
Removed Follow/Unfollow from own-profile screen...

Direct Messages Added Read/Unread/Replies status to Direct Messages Conversations
Links/Hashtags/Mentions are now tappable on DM Conversations