Restarting accounts

Terrillo's Avatar


22 Mar, 2011 02:18 PM via web

When I have carbon open and I make mistake by clicking on the carbon icon again in the launcher all my accounts are removed from carbon.

  1. Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 22 Mar, 2011 03:53 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    Can you reproduce this? There's a bug that randomly deletes all your preferences along with your account authorization records which is a known bug and one of our worst bugs. This is the first time we get a report that it's because of that, normally if you tap on Carbon icon in the launcher while the Carbon is running it Maximizes it and if you have multiple Cards open for Carbon it would maximize the default account's card.

    Could you reproduce it? I just tested it on 1.4.5, 2.0.1 and 2.1 and couldn't reproduce it. Thanks for the report.

  2. 3 Posted by Jason C on 01 Apr, 2011 03:24 PM

    Jason C's Avatar

    I will try to reproduce this. I got this error a couple of nights ago. I was like why do I have to relog back in. Weird.

  3. Support Staff 4 Posted by Moe on 01 Apr, 2011 08:52 PM

    Moe's Avatar

    I think what @Terillo is refering to is not what you have in mind @JasonC. I guess what you're refering to is the re-authentication bug that erases all your preferences. That is a very random bug that is related to a bug in webOS itself and it randomly happens so it is hard to reproduce, but if you could, kindly share the way with us. Thanks.

  4. 5 Posted by Terrillo Walls on 01 Apr, 2011 09:52 PM

    Terrillo Walls's Avatar

    Not really sure if I could it again, I try to do it again. This bug did it twice yesterday.  

    - Terrillo Walls

    On Apr 1, 2011 3:52 PM, Moe <***> wrote:

    // Add your reply above here
    From: Moe
    Subject: Restarting accounts

    I think what @Terillo is refering to is not what you have in mind @JasonC. I guess what you're refering to is the re-authentication bug that erases all your preferences. That is a very random bug that is related to a bug in webOS itself and it randomly happens so it is hard to reproduce, but if you could, kindly share the way with us. Thanks.

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  5. Support Staff 6 Posted by Moe on 02 Apr, 2011 03:31 AM

    Moe's Avatar

    @Terillo I think it'd be clearer if you go step by step on how that happens. It could help us understand where the problem is...