How do I load all tweets since last startup?
I shut down most/all of the apps on my release day Sprint Palm Pre (yes, it's still going strong) every night. When I get up in the morning, I fire up Carbon. However, it does not load all the tweets since my last use of the application. I have it set to load up to 100 tweets on each refresh in the preferences. For example, this morning I started it up and it loaded everything up to 3 hours old. Under that were tweets which were already loaded but were 7 hours old or older. When I scroll to the bottom of the timeline and tap the load more button, it loads tweets which are even older that those starting at 7 hours. So, everything between 3 hours and 7 hours is still missing from the timeline. How do I get those loaded???
Support Staff 2 Posted by Moe on 11 Feb, 2011 05:08 PM
We have an option that we call "Gap Detection" on that once you leave your timeline for a few hours and get back to load new ones we'd check if you've missed any tweets and provide you with an option to load the gap. That has been disabled in the past two builds due to performance issues. We're working on it for the next update. Once we have Gap Detection running you won't be missing any tweet again.
3 Posted by SilvrDrgn on 11 Feb, 2011 05:56 PM
Awesome! Can't wait to try it out!!
4 Posted by uncleBen on 12 Feb, 2011 12:01 PM
Good thread, I was just to ask the same question. Also looking forward to gap detection being available, I'm simply missing way too much tweets atm...
Support Staff 5 Posted by Moe on 12 Feb, 2011 12:10 PM
You got it :) it's comin' out real soon...
6 Posted by Jurias on 18 Feb, 2011 01:01 AM
This comment was split into a new discussion: Shake to Reload
would you be implementing shake to re-load?
7 Posted by becrayz2 on 20 Apr, 2011 08:21 PM
Is there any way to add more tweets above the 100 option? Spaz has 200. I would like to have more options here so I don't miss anything while working (where I can't use the app until I'm off). 200 or 300 would make it so I know for sure everything is there. Thanks.
Support Staff 8 Posted by Moe on 20 Apr, 2011 10:51 PM
You can easily load what you've missed by tapping the Accordion bar when it appears after a long refresh or having the app closed for a long time. Tapping on the accordion bar loads the Gap between your distant refreshes.